Unitherm has a wide and diverse range of Air to Water Heat Pumps to suit every need. A popular replacement for boilers, these are heat pumps that provide heating by moving thermal energy from outside air to the inside air. Outdoor air is a universal heat source and sink medium for heat pumps and is widely utilised in residential systems. They distribute heat through radiators or underfloor heating and also produce your domestic hot water. (DHW).
Older gas and oil-fired boilers waste energy and are costly to run, because of the amount of fuel they need to maintain heating and hot water. A Heat Pump which runs on low temperatures continually is safer, cost effective and more efficient than these older systems.
Our design team have pioneered a complete system solution from conception to commissioning, working closely with engineers, architects and installers. With each project we size the correct heat pump for the dwelling. This ensures the heat load is covered whether the dwelling is a well-insulated new build or a retrofit.

With each underfloor heating project we supply loop plans for the installer to follow.
With the recent government announcement of grants to upgrade the energy efficiency you home 2022 is perfect year to look into heating your home with a more renewable source.
- Improve the comfort levels in your home
- End oil and gas bills
- Reduce energy usage
- Reduce greenhouse gas emissions
- Control your heating times, temperature and areas more accurately